Wild Alaska Sockeye Salmon

Cooking Prep

A whole fillet of sockeye salmon is the full-side or length of the fish, minus the head and the tail.  A sockeye salmon fillet that has been processed (headed, gutted, trimmed & the pin-bones removed) typically yields a weight varying from 1 to 2.5+ lbs.

Portions are simply a whole fillet that has been processed and then cut into 3 separate pieces.  The average weight of a single portion is 6 to 8 ounces.



Our salmon fillets 7 portions are individually vacuum-sealed, which maintains the freshness, the texture and helps retains all of the nutrient values. This process also removes oxygen in the processing before and during freezing as oxygen is also an enemy to food freshness.  If the food is thawed at too high of a temperature (exceeding 38 degrees F), then it supports the potential for harmful bacteria growth.


We suggest thawing your fillet overnight in the refrigerator.  By snipping open a corner of the vacuum sealed package or by removing the fillet from the package altogether, you remove the risk of the growth of the Colstridium Botulinum Bacteria whether thawing in a tray of cold water on the counter or in the refrigerator.  Once your salmon has thawed, be sure to cook, eat & enjoy within 24 hours.


Ready to Enjoy Later Today or This Evening?

Snip a corner of the packaging and place it into the sink or large bowl of cold water.  Make sure that the snipped end is outside or above the water, not letting any of the water run inside the vacuum packaging.  This thawing process will take no more than two hours depending on the cut and the thickness of your piece of salmon.  Do not use warm water as it will adversely affect the texture and can increase the risk of food-borne illness.